Home > Feature > Location Tracker

Find Out Where They Are And Access to Their Historical Locations

track someone's location
track someone's location
Track real-time location

You will receive a notification to know where they are anytime.

track someone's location
Find out where they have gone

Have no time to see their location in real-time? Don't worry! We recorded all location history for you.

track someone's location
Clear map view

With its firendly interface, you can see their location on map clearly.

Track Location in 3 Easy Steps


Create An Account

Register to FamiEyes and choose the plan that suits your needs for location tracking.

Install FamiEyes Software

Download and install FamiEyes on the target devices.

Start Tracking Location

Log in to your Dashboard and track their location.

FamiEyes, More Than Meets the Eyes

  • Contacts
  • Messages
  • Call Logs
  • Locations
  • Geo-Fencing
  • Browser History
  • WhatsApp
  • Snapchat
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Tinder
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Viber
  • LINE
  • Discord
  • Kik
  • Skype
  • Record Screen
  • Record Calls
  • More...

FAQs About Location Tracker

  • Q1: Can I find location by a phone number?

  • Q2: Can I track someone’s location without them knowing?

  • Q3: How do I track someone’s phone without having his/her phone?

  • Q4: What is the best Android phone finder?

Location Tracker