Home > Feature >Monitor Videos

See What Videos They Have Saved on Their Phone

Monitor Videos
Monitor Videos
Access to all the videos

You are able to see all the videos saved on their phone, including deleted ones.

Monitor Videos
Check inappropriate videos

You can see what they are watching and know whether they are watching inappropriate videos.

View download videos

You will receive their new download video in a few moments.

Monitor Videos in 3 Easy Steps


Create An Account

Register to FamiEyes, then, choose the plan and purchase it.

Install FamiEyes Software

Download and install FamiEyes on the target devices.

Start Monitoring Videos

Log in to your Dashboard and track videos on their phone.

FamiEyes, More Than Meets the Eyes

  • Contacts
  • Messages
  • Call Logs
  • Locations
  • Geo-Fencing
  • Browser History
  • WhatsApp
  • Snapchat
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Tinder
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Viber
  • LINE
  • Discord
  • Kik
  • Skype
  • Record Screen
  • Record Calls
  • More...

FAQs About Our Video Monitoring Tool

  • Q1: How can I access the local video on the target phone?

  • Q2: Can I download the video files from the monitored device?

  • 3. Is the WhatsApp tracker compatible with the latest WhatsApp updates and versions?

  • 4. How often is the WhatsApp data updated in the monitoring dashboard?

FAQs About Our Video Monitoring Tool