Home > Feature > Viber Tracker

Have A Full View of Their Viber Activities

viber monitoring
spy on viber
See messages in real-time

You will see all received and sent messages on Viber anytime.

spy on viber
View shared multimedia files

Photos and videos they shared with friends can be also be tracked.

spy on viber
Record their voice calling

Any voice calls can be recorded and you will see it. Plus, you can see the duration of each calls.

Track Viber Activities in 3 Easy Steps


Create An Account

Sign up and create an account, then choose a plan that meet your needs.

Install FamiEyes Software

Download and install FamiEyes Viber Tracker on the target phone.

Start Tracking Viber

Log in to your Dashboard and begin to monitor Viber Activities remotely.

FamiEyes, More Than Meets the Eyes

  • Contacts
  • Messages
  • Call Logs
  • Locations
  • Geo-Fencing
  • Browser History
  • WhatsApp
  • Snapchat
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Tinder
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Viber
  • LINE
  • Discord
  • Kik
  • Skype
  • Record Screen
  • Record Calls
  • More...

FAQs About Viber Tracker

  • Q1: Is Viber OK for kids?

  • Q2: How do I check hidden messages in Viber?

  • Q3: Can I read Viber messages without being noticed?

  • Q4: Is it possible to know if someone is online on Viber?

question on viber tracker